Data, RDF we can classify the features of a project by the ontologies they are using.
For example if we see this we know the dataset is capable of ref lat/long.
@prefix rdf: <>
@prefix rdfs: <>
@prefix geo: <> .
@prefix dct: <>
@prefix place: <> .
Meaning and potential of the data is available.
Dublin core standard -- why did they choose this?
Looking at data we need to identify the place, time and appellation.
Every resource is idiosyncratic and to integrate needs specific work.
Prosopography of the Byzantine World -- no rdf representation but they do have perma-link.
Culturesampo website acts as front end for rdf.
The Problem
We Decided to work with the Chalice website which provides historical information on the English county of Cheshire.
The website provides information on the place and date of historical references. We noticed that there was a substantial
increase in the number of settlements documented from a small handful in the 10th century to a large number in the 11th
century. Therefore we decided to try to find additional evidence of settlement occupation from the 10th century or before.
In this regard we looked for archaeological evidence on three websites: the archaeology data service, the British Museum
catalogue and Revealing Cheshire's Past.
The Approach
When queried Revealing Cheshire's Past database had 248 relevant references but no means to harvest these data. We tried
to parse place names from the Chalice website however it was only possible to obtain the old names bz regular expression.
<a href="/([A-z/0-9\(\), :-]+)">([-, \(\)A-z/ 0-9:]+)</td><td>([0-9]+)</td>
Ideally the names were then to be used to search the databases of the three websites for additional information related to #
This could have been useful on the British Museum website where we were thinking about running a SPARQL query with the place
names. However the first problem was that we did not know how the rdf in the BM database was structured. There was also
little relevant information on this website. The Revealing Cheshire's past database would have been the most useful to us
but is structured in a manner that makes interoperability impossible. The ADS website´s SPARQL endpoint was not correct
making this unusable.
Based on our experience we have found that the integration of disparate resources is difficult, especially where avenues
of interoperability are not provided or semi-functional. However the Revealing Cheshire website did allow us to note that
archaeological evidence suggests that the broad distribution of the settlement pattern in the 11th century had earlier antecedents.
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